There's no better time than now to accelerate revenue and company size.

Start by solving these differentiation problems:

1. Marketing talent is wearing too many hats
2. Revenue growth has seemingly hit a ceiling
3. You feel stuck between new and legacy competitors

You have too many wide-"I" shaped marketing talent. You need narrow-"T" shaped talent.

We see this every year with SMBs. Each marketing talent is trying to be a specialist in almost everything, but the results tell a story of a marketing generalist. Don’t get us wrong. It’s good to know a lot about marketing, but at the end of the day, you want marketing talent that specialize in one to three strategies. This is where you get faster, efficient results. Your competition has the budget to hire more specialists than you, so let’s do some research to discover gaps in their marketing’s specialty portfolio.

Stop employees from being a swiss army knife

growth expert consulting an SMB employee group

What are the 3 stages of differentiation for an SMB?

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White Buffalo Calf

New to differentiation? The number of celebrities that are differentiating themselves in your marketplace is few and far between. Start your brand’s journey with one of the select few differentiation firms in the world. The world is your oyster.
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White Buffalo

Marketing has become an enigma to celebrities. It’s not exciting anymore. Copycats continue to follow. The results aren’t transparent. Let’s rattle the cage with differentiation and bring you out in the open where you belong.
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Alpha White Buffalo

What’s the goal of business? You’re right, profit maximization and long term survival. But how do you plan to consistently increase market demand without differentiation? Apple called it the Halo Effect. You’ll call it the White Buffalo Effect.

Your buyer personas and product need an injection of innovation.

Stale buyer personas, neglected customers, and slowly-evolving product are three of the biggest reasons a small to medium sized business hits a revenue ceiling. Actually, they don’t hit it, they’re unaware of the fact they built it. There are more profitable, tailored buyer personas hiding in your existing persona and customer set, and we need to work together to discover, unlock, and market them. Furthermore, their feedback on your product will influence new innovations that will expand your footprint in existing accounts and spontaneously attract new customer segments.

Stop force-feeding your existing prospects and customers

SMB product innovation
a marketing breakthrough at an SMB

Break through the market share ceiling with your customer-getting distinction.

You’re a small to medium sized business, but you have bigger aspirations. You want to evolve into a small to medium sized enterprise, and possibly continue to go up from there. If you feel squeezed between creative startups and established enterprises, you need to maximize the communicaiton of your customer-getting distinction. This starts with building more confidence in your differentiators in the minds of prospects, customers, and especially employees.

Stop holding back on communicating your differentiator

Talk to a Differentiation Expert

Talk to a Differentiation Expert - SMB
What are your differentiating challenges (select all that apply)?
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Differentiation FAQs

Differentiation should be the first step on any celebrity’s marketing roadmap. What makes you different? Most celebrity marketing firm’s step over this critical question and hyper concentrate on tactics, but if your unique difference or set of distinctions is not clear and present in your communication, your efforts will fall on its face. Differentiation is also about knowing what is unique about your product, brand, and everything else in the mind of your customer so you’ll be more effective at positioning yourself in comparison to your competition.
Small to medium sized businesses are commonly categorized as a company with less than one hundred employees, less than ten million in annual revenue, and less specialists when compared to their enterprise level competitors. SMBs can be local or regional businesses, and while some use this categorization as a stepping stone to become a small to medium sized enterprise, most stay in the SMB category intentionally or due to the inability to scale.

Well, if you ask John Rambo, it has a lot to do with whether or not you are welcomed or shunned by the public upon your return from service overseas. WAIT—Why are you sharing this information on a differentiation page? Schedule a call with our SEO Expert to find out!